Overcoming Data on Kubernetes Challenges

14 min read

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Today, many organizations are adopting Kubernetes to manage containerized applications. While Kubernetes is excellent at orchestrating stateless applications, handling data in such a dynamic and flexible environment presents unique challenges. Kubernetes wasn’t initially designed for stateful workloads or persistent storage, which brings about various data management issues. In this blog, I’ll discuss the key challenges organizations face when managing data on Kubernetes and explore potential solutions.

Key Challenges with Data on Kubernetes

As more companies rely on Kubernetes to run their applications, managing data in these dynamic environments presents distinct challenges. Kubernetes is effective at orchestrating applications, but it wasn’t originally designed for stateful applications or persistent storage. This creates several data management hurdles, including:

  • Stateful Applications: Running applications that need to retain data, such as databases, can be challenging on Kubernetes. Since Kubernetes was initially built for stateless tasks, managing stateful applications becomes more complex, requiring additional considerations and configurations.

  • Persistent Storage: Ensuring data persistence when Kubernetes Pods restart, crash, or move is essential yet challenging. Storage systems that don’t integrate seamlessly with Kubernetes make it difficult to maintain data persistence across these events.

  • Data Portability: Transferring data between Kubernetes clusters or across different cloud platforms is complex. Each platform handles storage differently, which adds to the difficulty of moving data across environments.

  • Backup and Disaster Recovery: Establishing reliable backup and disaster recovery strategies for Kubernetes data typically requires additional tools, adding complexity and workload for operations teams.

  • Performance and Scalability: While Kubernetes efficiently scales applications, ensuring storage scalability without performance degradation is a challenge. As applications grow, it’s crucial that storage scales just as effectively to maintain performance.

Introduction to NetApp

NetApp is a cloud-focused, data-centric software company offering solutions for data storage, management, and security across various environments. Known for integrating simplicity, performance, and flexibility into their storage systems, NetApp provides several tools to address the specific challenges of managing data in Kubernetes environments.

Some key NetApp solutions include:

  • NetApp Trident: Trident is NetApp’s open-source dynamic storage provisioner that integrates with Kubernetes to manage persistent storage. It automates storage provisioning and management, helping Kubernetes applications access storage when needed without requiring manual intervention.

  • Stateful Workload Management: NetApp supports the management of stateful applications, like databases, in Kubernetes. By integrating with NetApp, organizations can ensure data persistence and availability, even if Pods are restarted or relocated, offering stability for critical applications.

  • Scalable Persistent Storage: NetApp’s ONTAP technology provides scalable persistent storage, ensuring data remains accessible as Kubernetes applications grow. This solution is designed to adapt to dynamic Kubernetes environments where Pods and services change frequently.

  • Data Fabric for Kubernetes: NetApp’s Data Fabric helps facilitate data movement between different cloud providers or on-premises environments. This aids organizations in managing data across multiple Kubernetes clusters or cloud providers, minimizing the complexities of handling diverse storage systems.

  • Backup and Recovery with Cloud Volumes ONTAP: With Cloud Volumes ONTAP, NetApp includes integrated backup and recovery features to protect Kubernetes data, reducing the need for third-party solutions and supporting secure data recovery in case of unexpected events.

  • Performance Optimization: NetApp offers high-performance storage options with tuning capabilities to meet the demands of Kubernetes applications. This is especially important for scaling stateful workloads to handle increases in traffic or data volume.

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP and Kubernetes:

By using Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP as a persistent storage solution for Kubernetes, businesses can integrate scalable and reliable storage seamlessly into their Kubernetes workflows. FSxN provides a fully managed ONTAP experience, allowing teams to deploy and manage storage without needing to manage the underlying infrastructure. This is particularly beneficial in containerized environments, where agility, performance, and scalability are essential.

In this section, I'll demonstrate how to create a NetApp ONTAP File System (FSxN) to serve as persistent storage in an AWS EKS cluster. For this demo, I referred to the official GitHub Repository for FSxN Sample Scripts for guidance.

Step 1: Clone and Setup Environment

You can clone the above GitHub repository and change the variables.tf file to configure with your AWS account. Make sure to double check the region and key pair section before moving ahead in the demo.

Initilize the terraform environment using the below command:

terraform init

You can double check the terraform configuration and services that will run using the below command

terraform plan

Use the below command to create all the required services using terraform

terraform apply

It might take few minutes to create all the services, once everything is up and running you will see the below output

eks-cluster-name = "fsx-eks-z25hUXNa"
eks-jump-server = "Instance ID: i-03c76c449de131c28, Public IP:"
fsx-id = "fs-04a96bf27fb521125"
fsx-management-ip = ""
fsx-password-secret-arn = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-2:892502952503:secret:fsx-eks-secret-9e43f2ed-He8KBN"
fsx-password-secret-name = "fsx-eks-secret-9e43f2ed"
fsx-svm-name = "ekssvm"
region = "us-east-2"
svm-password-secret-arn = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-2:892502952503:secret:fsx-eks-secret-f856cac5-22VRBK"
svm-password-secret-name = "fsx-eks-secret-f856cac5"
vpc-id = "vpc-00cf839179014016d"

Make note of the above output as in the later phases of the demo, you will have to refer to the values from above.

Step 2: Access the Jump Server

The above terraform configuration will create a jump server, you can SSH into the jump server using the below command to access other services.

ssh -i <path_to_key_pair> ubuntu@<jump_server_public_ip>

<jump_server_public_ip> is the IP address of the jump server that was displayed in the output of step 1.

Once you run the above command, you should get the below as output to confirm that the SSH is completed

Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 6.8.0-1015-aws x86_64)

 * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com
 * Management:     https://landscape.canonical.com
 * Support:        https://ubuntu.com/pro

 System information as of Fri Oct 11 19:09:20 UTC 2024

  System load:  0.0               Processes:             110
  Usage of /:   34.3% of 7.57GB   Users logged in:       0
  Memory usage: 4%                IPv4 address for eth0:
  Swap usage:   0%

 * Ubuntu Pro delivers the most comprehensive open source security and
   compliance features.


Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications is not enabled.

0 updates can be applied immediately.

Enable ESM Apps to receive additional future security updates.
See https://ubuntu.com/esm or run: sudo pro status

*** System restart required ***
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.

Configure AWS CLI using the below command in this jump server, you will be required to enter your access key and secret associated with it.

aws configure

Allow access to the EKS cluster for your user id

Add the EKS access-entry by running below commands

aws eks create-access-entry --cluster-name $cluster_name --principal-arn $user_ARN --region $aws_region
aws eks associate-access-policy --cluster-name $cluster_name --principal-arn $user_ARN --region $aws_region --policy-arn arn:aws:eks::aws:cluster-access-policy/AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy --access-scope type=cluster

The above command uses three environment variables, you can also configure the same using the below detials

  • aws_region=<AWS_REGION>

    • AWS_REGION will be the region you have configured your services in.
  • cluster_name=<EKS_CLUSTER_NAME>

    • Fetch EKS_CLUSTER_NAME cluster name from the output of step 1.
  • user_ARN=<ARN_VALUE>

    • ARN_VALUE can be fetched using the below command
aws sts get-caller-identity --query Arn --output text

You need to also configure kubectl to use the EKS cluster which can be done using the below command

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name $cluster_name --region $aws_region


Added new context arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:892502952503:cluster/fsx-eks-z25hUXNa to /home/ubuntu/.kube/config

To verify the correct working of kubectl, you can run the below command to fetch the number of nodes in your cluster

kubectl get nodes


NAME                                       STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
ip-10-0-1-59.us-east-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   96m   v1.29.8-eks-a737599
ip-10-0-2-136.us-east-2.compute.internal   Ready    <none>   96m   v1.29.8-eks-a737599

Step 3: Creating and Checking Status of Astra Trident

Astra Trident is added in EKS Cluster using the terraform configuration in the trident namespace, you can check the same using the below command

kubectl get pods -n trident


NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
trident-controller-5cb86cfcc7-pl9lr   6/6     Running   0             96m
trident-node-linux-m54wr              2/2     Running   0             96m
trident-node-linux-zbx8f              2/2     Running   1 (96m ago)   96m
trident-operator-799447549c-s5m65     1/1     Running   0             97m

In this scenario we are going to set up an NFS file system for a MySQL database and for that we are going to set up Astra Trident as a backend provider. We will have to configure the trident CSI backend to use FSx for NetApp ONTAP.

To perform the above you will have to change the directory to FSx-ONTAP-samples-scripts/EKS/FSxN-as-PVC-for-EKS and create a directory inside this path named temp. You will need to export few values as environment variables such as FSX_ID, FSX_SVM_NAME and SECRET_ARN.

  • with the FSxN ID.

  • with the name of the SVM that was created.

  • with the ARN of the AWS SecretsManager secret that holds the SVM password (not the FSxN password).

You can fetch all of the above values from the output of step 1.

Substitute these values in the required config file such as manifests/backend-tbc-ontap-nas.tmpl and create a new file in the temp folder named temp/backend-tbc-ontap-nas.yaml

Do the above process using the below commands

cd ~/FSx-ONTAP-samples-scripts/EKS/FSxN-as-PVC-for-EKS
mkdir temp
export FSX_ID=<fsx-id>
export FSX_SVM_NAME=<fsx-svm-name>
export SECRET_ARN=<secret-arn>
envsubst < manifests/backend-tbc-ontap-nas.tmpl > temp/backend-tbc-ontap-nas.yaml

Create and configure the trident backend using the below command

kubectl create -n trident -f temp/backend-tbc-ontap-nas.yaml

You can check the if the backend has been configured correctly using the below command

kubectl get tridentbackendconfig -n trident

If everything has configured correctly you will receive the below output else the STATUS might appear as failed

NAME                    BACKEND NAME            BACKEND UUID                           PHASE   STATUS
backend-fsx-ontap-nas   backend-fsx-ontap-nas   3b8eac55-ed26-4071-8c15-c15094cf81b9   Bound   Success

If the status is Failed, then you can add the "--output=json" option to the kubectl get tridentbackendconfig command to get more information as to why it failed. Specifically, look at the "message" field in the output. The following command will get just the status messages

kubectl get tridentbackendconfig -n trident --output=json | jq '.items[] | .status.message'

Step 4: Create Necessary Kubernetes Services and Applications

1. Create a Storage Class

Use the below command to create

kubectl create -f manifests/storageclass-fsxn-nas.yaml

Check the creation using the below command

kubectl get storageclass


fsx-basic-nas   csi.trident.netapp.io   Delete          Immediate              true                   7s
gp2 (default)   kubernetes.io/aws-ebs   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  131m

2. Create a Stateful Application

  • Create a Persistent Volume Claim using below command
kubectl create -f manifests/pvc-fsxn-nas.yaml

Check the creation using the below command

kubectl get pvc


mysql-volume-nas   Bound    pvc-b2f521ca-6dca-412c-ba88-c8d37728dd94   50Gi       RWO            fsx-basic-nas   <unset>                 9s
  • Deploy a MySQL Database using the below command
kubectl create -f manifests/mysql-nas.yaml

Check the creation using the below command

kubectl get pods


NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-fsx-nas-6b9455f5f8-hrjpj   1/1     Running   0          28s

3. Check the File System

If you want to see what was created on the FSxN file system, you can log into it and take a look. Run the below command to ssh

ssh -l fsxadmin <fsx-management-ip>

This command will prompt for a password which you can easily fetch from AWS SecretsManager

You can list the volumes created in the file system using the below command and will receive a relevant output with trident pvc created eariler

volume show


FsxId04a96bf27fb521125::> volume show
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
ekssvm    ekssvm_root  aggr1        online     RW          1GB    972.4MB    0%
ekssvm    trident_pvc_b2f521ca_6dca_412c_ba88_c8d37728dd94
                       aggr1        online     RW         50GB    49.94GB    0%
2 entries were displayed.

4. Access the MySQL Database

Log into MySQL instance using the below command

kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pod -l "app=mysql-fsx-nas" --namespace=default -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -- mysql -u root -p

The above command will ask for a password, which in this scenario is Netapp1!

Now you can create databases and tables in the database and populate it with some data

mysql> create database fsxdatabase;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> use fsxdatabase;
Database changed
mysql> create table fsx (filesystem varchar(20), capacity varchar(20), region varchar(20));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

mysql> insert into fsx (`filesystem`, `capacity`, `region`) values ('netapp01','1024GB', 'us-east-1'),
    -> ('netapp02', '10240GB', 'us-east-2'),('eks001', '2048GB', 'us-west-1'),('eks002', '1024GB', 'us-west-2'),
    -> ('netapp03', '1024GB', 'us-east-1'),('netapp04', '1024GB', 'us-west-1');
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 6  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

To check if the above data is stored use the below command to fetch stored data from the table create above

select * from fsx;


| filesystem | capacity | region    |
| netapp01   | 1024GB   | us-east-1 |
| netapp02   | 10240GB  | us-east-2 |
| eks001     | 2048GB   | us-west-1 |
| eks002     | 1024GB   | us-west-2 |
| netapp03   | 1024GB   | us-east-1 |
| netapp04   | 1024GB   | us-west-1 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

5. Create a Snapshot of the MySQL Data

  • Install the Kubernetes Snapshot CRDs and Snapshot Controller using the below command
git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter 
cd external-snapshotter/ 
kubectl kustomize client/config/crd | kubectl create -f - 
kubectl -n kube-system kustomize deploy/kubernetes/snapshot-controller | kubectl create -f - 
kubectl kustomize deploy/kubernetes/csi-snapshotter | kubectl create -f - 
cd ..
  • Create a Snapshot Class based on the CRD installed using the below command
kubectl create -f manifests/volume-snapshot-class.yaml


volumesnapshotclass.snapshot.storage.k8s.io/fsx-snapclass created
  • Create a Snapshot of the MySQL Data
kubectl create -f manifests/volume-snapshot-nas.yaml

Check if the creation was successful using the below command

kubectl get volumesnapshot


mysql-volume-nas-snap-01   true         mysql-volume-nas                           63788Ki       fsx-snapclass   snapcontent-15275f4b-fe13-413d-b6a3-cb367b7e848e   11s            11s

Step 5: Cloning MySQL Data

After creating the snapshot of the data, you can use it to create a read/write version. This can be used as a new storage volume for another mysql database.

Create a PVC from the snapshot using the below command

kubectl create -f manifests/pvc-from-nas-snapshot.yaml

You can check the creation using the below command

kubectl get pvc


NAME                     STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS    VOLUMEATTRIBUTESCLASS   AGE
mysql-volume-nas         Bound    pvc-b2f521ca-6dca-412c-ba88-c8d37728dd94   50Gi       RWO            fsx-basic-nas   <unset>                 32m
mysql-volume-nas-clone   Bound    pvc-3df52819-2c6f-414f-a471-280840f8dbf1   50Gi       RWO            fsx-basic-nas   <unset>                 3s

Create a new MySQL database using the below command

kubectl create -f manifests/mysql-nas-clone.yaml

Check the creation using the below command

kubectl get pods


NAME                                  READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
csi-snapshotter-0                     3/3     Running   0          9m15s
mysql-fsx-nas-6b9455f5f8-hrjpj        1/1     Running   0          30m
mysql-fsx-nas-clone-8fd7f675d-n9v2g   1/1     Running   0          70s

Step 6: Verifing the Data

Check the status of new database by logging into it using the below command, password will be same as Netapp1!

kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pod -l "app=mysql-fsx-nas-clone" --namespace=default -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -- mysql -u root -p

Check for the data populated eariler in this newly created database

mysql> use fsxdatabase;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> select * from fsx;
| filesystem | capacity | region    |
| netapp01   | 1024GB   | us-east-1 |
| netapp02   | 10240GB  | us-east-2 |
| eks001     | 2048GB   | us-west-1 |
| eks002     | 1024GB   | us-west-2 |
| netapp03   | 1024GB   | us-east-1 |
| netapp04   | 1024GB   | us-west-1 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You can also navigate to AWS console to check the creation of File system, volumes and other services

Features of NetApp

  1. Hybrid Cloud Data Services: NetApp offers seamless data management across cloud and on-premises environments, helping organizations simplify operations and support digital transformation initiatives.

  2. NetApp ONTAP AI: ONTAP AI combines NVIDIA DGX systems with NetApp all-flash storage to streamline data flow for AI/ML workloads, reducing design complexities and allowing for independent scaling of compute and storage.

  3. Scalability: NetApp solutions allow businesses to start small and scale as needed, optimizing cost and performance for a wide range of workloads.

  4. AI Control Plane: The NetApp AI Control Plane integrates with Kubernetes and Kubeflow, offering scalability and persistent data availability for AI and ML applications.

  5. Persistent Storage with NetApp Trident: Trident provides seamless integration of persistent volumes with Kubernetes, simplifying data management and supporting containerized workloads effectively.

  6. Data Fabric: NetApp’s Data Fabric supports data portability and availability across edge, core, and cloud environments, enabling businesses to move and access data flexibly.

  7. Comprehensive Data Protection: NetApp offers robust security, backup, and disaster recovery solutions, ensuring data is secure and recoverable across different environments.

Ideal Market

The ideal market for NetApp includes:

  1. Enterprise IT: Large organizations needing scalable, efficient storage solutions for DevOps workflows and hybrid cloud environments.

  2. Cloud-Native Companies: Startups and technology firms managing data across multi-cloud platforms.

  3. DevOps Teams: Teams focused on automating storage provisioning and supporting CI/CD pipelines and agile development processes.

  4. Data-Intensive Sectors: Industries such as healthcare, finance, and retail with high demands for data storage and backup.

NetApp serves businesses that prioritize efficient, scalable, and cloud-integrated data management.


Managing data in Kubernetes environments presents various challenges, including handling stateful applications, ensuring persistent storage, and maintaining scalability. Although Kubernetes primarily focuses on orchestrating containerized applications, it wasn't initially designed for stateful workloads, making data management complex. Solutions like NetApp can address these challenges by providing integration, scalability, and performance optimization, enabling organizations to run stateful workloads on Kubernetes without the added data management burdens. Whether it's securing persistent storage, streamlining backup and recovery, or optimizing performance at scale, NetApp supports businesses in managing their data efficiently within today’s dynamic cloud-native landscape.

Shoutout to NetApp for collaborating with me on this blog.